Are your trees / plants / grass stressed, in poor condition, of low vigour, under attack or subject to compaction or other site related pressures such as waterlogging?

Compacted soil around trees / shrubs / grass will stress and can kill them, This compacted soil can be aerated and decompacted. All plants on land bar two species depend on their relationship with Soil Biology, this inturn relies on an aerated soil (and a range within the carbon/nitrogen ratio (think available organic matter in the soil, which is normally available)0. Ruskins can ensure that this vital condition of healthy soil is present.

We can help, we operate Air Spades to relieve surface and near surface compaction by moving soil in situ to aerate and decompact the soil. Soil ameliorants can be added to the backfill to improve the soil / Soil Food Web. Then we can topdress with peat free compost or leaf mulch and/or mulch to provide composting organic matter to feed the Soil Food Web.

Ruskins can also undertake deep soil aeration and injection of media, using compressed Air Probes to assist trees. We aerate with the latest Vogt Geotec machines to sink a one metre+ air probe into the soil to undertake deep air injection resulting in decompaction, The Soil Probe also applies Soil Biology. Also we can deploy a Aeration Jet, ground aerator mounted on a tractor for larger areas requiring decompaction.

We have the ability using compressed air injection with this deep air probe, at depths upto one metre creating fissures relieving compaction and to aerate the soil. Soil amelioration can be undertaken by injecting bio char, mycorrhizal fungi and/or tree fertiliser and bacteria, along with the air. These soil ameliorates are all natural parts of the Soil Food Web. Just as nature intended.

Ruskins can drench the rooting area with a bespoke Compost Tea that contains all of the good parts (and none of the bad parts) of the Soil Food Web, apart from worms and insects. The worms and insects will migrate to this improved soil. If worms are absent or in low numbers we can add these to the soil.

Decompaction will create an aerated soil that will act as home for good soil biology, fed by composting organic matter will provide (with water and sunlight) all that your trees and plants need. There are upto 10,899,000,000,000 (Ten thousand, eight hundred and ninety nine trillion) soil organisms per 1m3 of soil, that will help your trees. shrubs and grass..

Once the soil is aerated and the Soil Biology is in situ, the tree / shrub / lawn will have increased ability to defend itself, be more resilient, root growth will be encouraged, with enhanced soil structure, nutrients and bacteria. Aerated Lawns with a good association with Soil Biology will drain upto 10 times better (than soil with poor Soil Biology), waterlogging can be relieved. The traditional methods of aeration, of hollow and solid tining or slitting, is treating the symptoms, not the cause, An aerated Lawn with good Soil Biology will be much healthier.

We can add Biochar/Zeolites and other soil ameliorants that will fill the cavities upto the surface. The Biochar/Zeolites contains high concentrations of multiple strains of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Antagonistic Fungi, along with bacteria from wormcasts and trace minerals.

Both soil structure and soil health can be improved increasing beneficial Mycorrhizal and Bacteria. The Biochar will alter the soil, increasing the water holding capacity, stabilising the relative moisture, increasing the absorption of nutrients and reducing leeching. Plant productivity will be increased due to decreased acidity, increased composting and improved habitat for helpful soil micro organisms. 

See below and on the next page the deep aeration and the results.

Row on LEFT treated one year ago, row on right not treated

Row on LEFT treated one year ago, row on right not treated

close up of one of the treated Limes

close up of one of the treated Limes